Young Activism Unit Plan


This english/social studies unit about young activism was created for a grade 5 class. The unit focusses on helping students learn about their rights, explore the stories of some young activists , and helps students learn how to become young activists in their communities.

When creating this unit I developed the skills needed to create a series of lessons that flow well together. Furthermore, this unit helped my partner Emily and I to see how many details need to be considered when creating a entire unit. For example, we had take the time to find resources for the students to research, plan all of the questions we would cover for our discussions, find videos that would intrigue students, create worksheets and do them as demonstrations, and lastly plan an exciting way to introduce and conclude each lesson. All of these small aspects played a large role in our creating a unit that was well connected. This unit also gave us an opportunity to think about how we cold incorporate the concept of gradually releasing responsibility. In this unit we decided to gradually release responsibility by transitions from entire class discussions and activities towards a small group project that would eventually be presented in front of the class. What I found exciting about planning this unit was considering how far students could come over one unit.

This unit is one that I am extremely excited to present to a class in the future and I look forward to seeing what an impact our class can have on the community.

This unit connects to the following BC Standards of Educators:

  1. Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development. - This unit especially highlights my understanding of the gradual release of responsibility which is the idea that students need to go from well guided and demonstrated work to independent enquiry based work.
  2. Educators implement effective practices in areas of classroom management, planning, instruction, assessment, evaluation and reporting. - This unit shows my ability to plan a series of interconnected lessons that focus on a common goal which students are able to work towards gradually. It also shows how I am beginning to consider assessment at each stage of the unit.

Chidlren Making Change

It Takes a Child Book

UN Convention on Children's Rights

Ruby's Hope Book