Video Reading of the Book

Picture of demo story rope or oral retelling

Lesson Plan - Oral Story Telling

Lesson Description

This lesson was designed in accordance to the grade 3 BC english language arts curriculum, however, it could easily be adapted to work for older grades as well. 

The intent of this lesson is to introduce students to the practice of oral story telling. The idea of oral story telling is presented through the use of the book "Knots on a Counting Rope" and then practiced by students as they create their own story ropes. 

This lesson was completed for the purposes of UVic's EDCI 302. It was initially turned in for feedback from our professor before being presented to the university peers. 



Looking back, this lesson was helpful in allowing me to explore various lesson plan templates to find one that suited my needs as we were not required to use a set lesson plan template. Furthermore, when reflecting on the creation of this lesson, it helped me to recognize the importance of creating good opening and closing activities as they are what thread lessons together and connect learning from one day to the next. For example, the opening activities for the three lessons outlined in this lesson plan all focus on helping students pull out an organize the events from the story "Knots on a Counting Rope." Coming back to the main elements of the story at the beginning of each lesson is an effective way to review and re-establish key ideas.

As I move into practicum, I am excited to try putting this lesson to use as I believe it is an excellent way to help students learn about each other while also allowing the teacher to address the First People's Principles of Learning. 


BC Standards of Teaching addressed through the creation of this lesson

Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development.  - The creation of this lesson shows an appropriate knowledge of grade three language arts expectations and provides evidence of modifying the lesson to student specific needs.

Educators value the involvement and support of parents, guardians, families and communities in schools. - This lesson is one that calls on the involvement of families to support and supplement in class learning therefore recognizing that learning can take place outside of the classroom.

Educators implement effective practices in areas of classroom management, planning, instruction, assessment, evaluation and reporting. - This lesson plan is ready to be implemented in a classroom setting, although it may be edited in the future, it acts as an effective tool for organizing and carrying out a small unit.