Purpose of this resource:
In EDCI 302 this semester we were given an amazing opportunity to work in groups to gather resources on teaching a specific english skill. The skill that I had the opportunity to research was creative ways to teach spelling skills. From our in class research, we created the document above as a resource that anyone can use to gain ideas of how spelling can be taught in an fun and engaging way.
Presenting what we learned:
After researching in class, we were given an opportunity to present 6 of our favourite ideas to our class. This was meant to help our classmates get a little taste of all of the games that we chose so that they would be aware of the resources that are out there and how they could be used in the classroom. The game I presented was Word BAM! It was awesome to see my classmates having fun trying this game and reaffirmed for me that it could be easily brought into any classroom and enjoyed by students. After presenting in class, a PDF version of our Spelling Games document was shared with our classmates via Facebook so that they would have it available to them if they wanted to use it in the future.
I really enjoyed this project. It was a great way to quickly and efficiently create a bank of resources that I feel confident about using in the classroom. Furthermore, having an opportunity to present these game to our classmates helped me to gain a better understanding of how to explain the games so that they can be most easily understood. This is important as a clear explanation of the games is an important part of enabling studetns to play them. I look forward to trying these ideas in my own classroom and hope I have inspired some of my classmates to do the same.
Connections to BC Standards of Teaching:
- Educators contribute to the profession. - The main goal of this assignment was to create and SHARE a useful resource to our classmates. By creating presenting and sharing this document we have helped our classmates to develop a better understanding of ways that spelling can be taught at every elementary grade level.
- Educators implement effective practices in areas of classroom management, planning, instruction, assessment, evaluation and reporting. - Creating this resources was also a useful way to begin gathering ideas that will help prepare us for our practicum in the spring.