Open Badges
Open Badges is Mozilla‘s open source answer for showing recognition of skills and competencies online. Moodle 2.5 became a badge issuer in May 2013 and Mahara will become a badge displayer in the future.
1. Create a collection of badges
Go to your Mozilla Backpack. You must have already pushed at least one badge to it to complete the following steps.
You will need to create a Persona account in order to use the Mozilla Backpack. Increasingly, you can connect with Persona to websites. You can also use it as authentication method in Mahara.
Click the Collection navigation item to enter your badge collection area.
Drag one of your badges onto a (new) collection space.
Drag a badge onto a new collection space
Give your new collection a title by clicking onto “New collection” and typing your title.
Tick the check box public so others can see your badges.
Click the Share icon. You will be taken to a page where you can see all the badges in the collection that you created.
Create a new collection
2. Select the badge collection in Folioz
- Create a page in your portfolio or edit an existing portfolio page where you want to display your badge collection.
- Drag the Open badges block onto your page. This block is only available when you have the plugin installed.
- Select the badge collection that you want to display.
- Give your block a title.
- Save your changes. Your badge collection is now visible in your page.
If you do not have the “Open Badge Displayer” plugin installed, you can follow these next steps.